A Complete Guide To Mastering The Law Of Vibration: Explanation of Vibrational Energy And Vibrational Frequency. How Higher Vibration Can benefit Manifestation And Practices To Raise Your Vibration.



What is the Law of Vibration?

The Law of Vibration – one of the most important laws in the 12 Universal Laws – states that everything in the universe is in constant movement and is vibrating at specific frequency.

Frequency is the speed or rate at which vibrations occur and is used to determine and differentiate vibrational patterns. 

Guess what?

The only difference between one object and another is the rate of vibration, i.e. frequency. 

In short, everything in life is really vibrational energy in various frequencies, from things that you can touch and see, to invisible energies like thoughts and emotions that you can only sense and feel.

So, what can we do with it?

Understanding the Law of Vibration gives us the awareness that we have the ability to change our vibration no matter which frequency we are vibrating at.

And, if we can raise our vibration higher spiritually, we are able to manifest things or experience that are in a higher frequency deliberately.

For example, Love, Abundance, Happiness, health and freedom… etc



what is vibrational energy

What is Vibrational Energy and Frequency?

Everything is energy.

Energy exists as a form of vibration in different frequencies.

Albert Einstein once revealed the universal truth:

Everything in life is vibration.”

Everything in this world is made up of atoms and molecules.

They form different elements as they vibrate at different frequencies. 

Water, air, sand, soil, plants, animals and human beings are combinations of particles with various frequencies.

Even when we think and feel, our brain is transmitting signals by electric current which is energy too. 

The bottom line?

Human body vibrates at various frequencies as we are a combination of organic matters, minerals, cells, and we can alter its’ state of vibration by changing our thoughts and emotions.

As we have ups and downs in our daily life, we would encounter higher vibrations and lower vibrations moments.



Law of Vibration vs. Law of Attraction.

The Law of Vibration tells us that everything is vibrational energy in a specific frequency and we can change our frequency by matching up that vibration deliberately.

On the other hand…

The Law of Attraction tells us that like attracts like. Things with the same frequency must attract each other.

So, when it comes to manifestation, the Law of Vibration and the Law of Attraction work together by recognizing the spiritual vibration of your desire to attract what you want.

You can use multiple spiritual practices to attune yourself to your desired frequency by using different manifestation methods like vision board, visualization or manifestation journaling.

At the same time, you can raise your vibration by practicing meditation, gratitude journaling or positive affirmation… etc, to speed up the manifestation process.

The coolest part?

These 2 laws are inseparable and they trigger each other even if you were practicing one of them. 

And as you keep practicing them, your thoughts, feelings and actions will become more and more aligned with the frequency of your desires. 

And that’s when you see your desire is being manifested.



How To Practice The Law of Vibration To Raise Your Vibration?

To practice the Law of Vibration, it is all about being aware of your vibration level, raising your vibration, and get rid of negative energy.

To do so, it is vital to know whether you are at high or low vibration and the ways that can effectively raise your vibration.

The following are the 5 effective ways to achieve the above purposes.

  1. Nurture Love
  2. Practice Gratitude
  3. Meditate
  4. Find Better Feeling Thoughts
  5. Get Enough Sleep

1. Nurture Love

Love is the highest vibration in the universe.

The love towards someone or something can raise your vibration to the highest level immediately.

You can simply think about the person you love to feel the energy. Or, you can even think about your adorable pets and how much you love them.

The matter of fact is…

We can usually feel more pure and unconditional love to our pets as they always offer the same to us.

And guess what, it works the same even if you were just thinking about a memory.

2. Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is also one of the highest vibrations we can feel. The best thing about it is that you can actually practice gratitude.

For example, spiritual practices like Counting Your Blessings and Gratitude Journaling are 2 of the best ways you can raise your vibration on a daily basis.

I personally love doing Gratitude Journaling. It just feels like you are saving your gratitude currency in your bank account.

You can keep it and withdraw it when you need more of it.



3. Meditate

Very often when we have negative thoughts, it lowers our vibration. Meditation is a great tool to stop your train of negative thoughts and back to your natural state of vibration.

And if you can quiet your mind enough, you can reach a state of peacefulness, which helps you to raise your vibration to the highest level.

This is also why people who meditate regularly generally have a lower stress level and better health.

4. Find Better Feeling Thoughts 

Or we can say: “think in a positive way”.

If you look at the emotional guidance scale, you can see that positive emotions have higher frequencies while negative emotions have lower frequencies.

In general, if you want to move ‘up’ your emotion from a lower level, it is easier to up a level at one time.

For example, if you are feeling frustrated, it is easier for you to reach pessimism than to reach passion. 

It is because it requires less energy from you to jump one level up than to perform a few levels of vibrational quantum jump.



That being said…

We don’t tell a negative person to think positive.

Instead, we try to find a better-feeling-thought – a thought that is slightly less negative or slightly more positive.


To do this, the first thing you need to know is the emotional guidance scale.

For example, if you are angry with your partner who did you wrong, your next better feeling thought could be: 

  • “It is so discouraging to be with this person no matter what I do.” (Discouragement)
  • “It is not fair that he/she always takes it for granted.” (Blame)
  • “I worry this relationship will drain me out eventually.” (Worry)
  • “I doubt we can keep going like this.” (Doubt)
  • “This is just another disappointing relationship.” (Overwhelment)
  • “I don’t want to spend time on this person anymore.” (Impatience)
  • “I don’t think anything will work.” (Pessimism)
  • “It’s fine to be on my own.” (Boredom)
  • “In fact, I feel kinda relieved to be alone.” (Contentment)

And so on. You can simply climb the emotional ladder one by one to raise your vibration gradually.

And with the emotional guidance scale, you can actually know whether you are at high or low vibration.



5. Get Enough Sleep

When we are sleeping, basically we are allowing ourselves to go back to our source of energy.

That said, it is crucial to get enough sleep if you want to keep your vibrational energy at a higher level.

The fact is…

You generally feel more energized and you are easier to be in a good mood all day long if you do so.


If you feel there is too much angst and resentment in your mind and nothing seems to be working for you…


Let yourself connect with your inner being just like getting a recharge of your battery.

It will help you to raise your vibration instantly.

And it works every single time! Trust me.



Is the Law of Vibration Scientifically Proven?

Many wonder if vibration and frequency have real scientific backing.

While still an emerging field, quantum mechanics provides compelling insight.

At the smallest scale, all matter oscillates vibrantly – including our bodies, composed entirely of vibrating atoms.

One study found a group’s intentions could influence random number generators, implying thoughts impact reality via vibrational channels.

Meditation studies also showed brain waves synchronize to match focused frequencies.

This proved minds can consciously tune vibrations through willpower.

Instruments now quantify more intangible energies too, like heart rate variability and brain wave activity.

As tech evolves, capturing subtle fields should become more feasible.

Let’s bear in mind:

The Law of Vibration, like the other laws of the universe, have been existed for thousands of years.

These are ancient teachings for the philosophy of life, rather than just scientific theories.

Scale For The Law of Vibration – Emotional Frequency Chart

The Emotional Frequency Chart indicates the frequency range of various emotions.

For example, Enlightenment, Peace, Joy, Love are emotions with the highest frequencies. While Fear, Grief, Apathy, Guilt and shame are the lowest. 

emotional frequency chart




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